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WinRail X2 Features

New features and improvements:

  • Both 64-bit and 32-bit versions supplied of all the WinRail programs.
  • Completely new and improved User Interface.
  • The main menu as well as the dialogue windows "View-Properties", "View-Options" and "Element-Properties" are gone and have been replaced by a so-called Ribbon:

New WinRail X2 Ribbon

  • If you are used to the previous versions of WinRail you will sometimes have to flip through the tab-pages to find the command you are looking for. However, after a short while you will recognize the advantages of this new user-interface. The ribbon will save you many mouse-clicks!
  • On the Help page Where do I find my commands we provide you with information where you will find the commands known from previous versions. A ribbon is like a dialogue box that always remains open; if you make any changes you get immediate feedback in the layout, without having to open menus and sub-menus and without the need to click OK to close it. Below the ribbon you will find the tool bar in a new design, followed by the selection bar as known from previous versions.
  • Many dialogue windows now have an "Apply" button. This button works like the OK button, but the window will remain open so that you can view the results of the changes you made in the layout and make corrections (if required) without having to open the window again.
  • New tool 3-rail-track (for combined narrow-gauge and standard gauge track systems.
  • The Arrow tool now can be used to tag single track sections even if they are connected to other sections - press the <Ctrl>-key when you click the section.
  • It is easier and more obvious now to handle different types of flex track.
  • The height specifications of elements may be rotated now. The Height tool is no longer the only way to assign a height to a track section. If no gradient has been applied to the track section you may also use the height edit control in the "Properties" tab.
  • You may use the tool Height of fixed track sections as well to get the gradient displayed. Of course you won't be able to change the height then.
  • You can decrease and increase your stock by the elements that are in the current layout.


Upgrades from previous versions of WinRail may be ordered by email from Gunnar Blumert.

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See WinRail 11.0 Features