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WinRail X3 Features

WinRail X3 is the latest version of WinRail.

New features and improvements:

  • We now have a new Tag-only arrow tool, that only tags elements, but doesn't move them. It works exactly like the Arrow tool, but using the new tool you avoid moving elements by mistake when you only want to edit their properties.
  • The context-menu (right mouse-button) of the Arrow- and Tag only tools contains a command that makes the properties of the currently tagged element the default for elements to be inserted if an element is tagged.
  • The zoom settings can be changed using the mouse-wheel while the -key is pressed.
  • When tagging track sections that are connected to sections that are placed in a hidden layer, these hidden layers became visible, so that you won't manipulate or delete them by mistake. Now these layers will become invisible again once you choose another tool or tag another element.
  • Different line-styles:
New WinRail X3 Line Styles

These line-styles are available for the outlines of elements, for slope- and clearance-Lines as well as for running-wires.

  • A new feature cuts track sections at module borders.
  • It is possible now to assign a gradient to turnouts. In the system-dialogue this feature may be switched off. If you created your layout using libraries shipped with previous versions of WinRail, it may not be possible to assign a gradient to some of the turnouts. In this case please replace the turnouts in your layout by turnouts taken from the recent libraries that you received with WinRail X3. You may use the Edit-Replace command on the Home-tab for this task.
  • All dialogue-boxes remember the last position on the screen when opened next time.
  • The list of required material can be sorted by layer now if you'd like to know how much material you need for a certain layer.
  • The required amount of flex sections will now be calculated more exactly by the statistics-features: The length of curved flex section will be the length of the outer (longer) rail. Offcuts will be taken into account. Offcuts shorter than a certain length you specified will not be used except for gaps that are shorter than this minimum length.
  • The points where running-wires are connected to masts and span-bridges can be edited, created and deleted within WinRail using a new tool. So you don't have to run the parts-compiler for this task anymore.64-bit versions of all programs for 64-bit Windows systems.


Upgrades from previous versions of WinRail may be ordered by email from Gunnar Blumert.

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See WinRail X2 Features